Stanchion Signs

Get your message to where it won’t be missed. Take it out when you arrive. Pack it away when you leave.

Already have a Design to Upload?

The graphic size is 750 x 500mm.  Click the “Upload Design” button & add your artwork files. We will check your graphics & pass to production if all looks good. Want a special size? Choose the closest. We will adjust in production.

Want us to Design it for you?

Click the “We Create for you” button & tell what you want your sign to say. We will create a design & email it to you for approval before printing

Customise an Eye-Catching Template.

In the design area choose a template to customise & click & change to your wording – It’s easy, fun & takes about 3 minutes to create your perfect sign. Get stuck at any stage or need advice – Click the Chat button. We love to help.

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Design SIGNS Faster

Take the message to the traffic with a stanchion

  • Used originally to warn of roadworks ahead so they pack a punch
  • Message area 450 x 600 or 750x1000mm – Single-sided or Double-sided
  • The height of the stands are 900mm (450 x 600mm size)
  • The height of the stands are 1060mm (750 x 100mm size)
  • The easy-change panels are  held in position with 4 aluminium clips
  • Our panels are Aluminium faced (Dibond or similar) – You can dent them but not break them
  • The Print is direct to the panel with an all-weather, scratch resist, non-reflective print

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For every 2 you order, we will automatically add an extra one to your shipment, ie Order 4 & we will add 2 extra, order 6 & get 9